Sunday, February 05, 2006


Hackers : The Internet Terrorists

If you are an internet user, most probably you have heard the term hacker. The whole world today is now facing security problem because of the computer hackers. Now a days web companies like yahoo or amazon have to spend a huge amount on networking security. So it is very clear that hackers are no negligible factor today and even in bangladesh there is a hackers website now.

Who Are Hackers?

Although the term hacker has a very wide spread meaning , today hackers are mainly related with computer and internet. In short, the person related with the breaking of security of a system is called a hackers. Breaking the security of a website, using someone’s internet password, deleting important information of a computer are some of the jobs that hackers pereform and anyone who does this is called a hacker. There are some hackers who do not harm any system but usually hackers are compared with terrorists. They are the terrorists who do not use arms but are much powerful than the real terrorists.

History of hackers

With the spreading of internet, the number of hackers has increased. But the history of hacking is much older than the history of internet.There had been a number of hacking events. In 1975 a group of school boys blocked the whole phone system of California. But this was done through some simple phone dialing technology. Next important hacking event took place in 1986.A hacker entered in the networking system of the University of Stanford in San-Francisco. The hacker could not do much harm because the security experts became alert and closed the network . Thousands of hacking events took place in the world after that. The situation became more complex because hackers started using their own softwares for this purpose.With the advancement of internet and computer, hackers have become more powerful and more smart. Now they use much advanced technology for hacking.

Hacking Skills

People, who have some basic idea about the computer hackers, mistakenly think that hackers use a special computer for hacking and their computer is more powerful than ours. But the truth is that hackers never use any special computer and our cmputers are as powerful as theirs. The only difference is that hackers know how to use that computer and internet to break the security of a system. Even your personal computer can be used for hacking, if you know how to do that. Now the question comes what are the skills that hackers possess or what are the skills that make a general computer, user hacker? Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. What technology hackers use, is a little bit mysterious but it is certain that hackers have three very important skills.

• First of all, hackers know programming very well. Sometimes it is also said that hackers are the most intelligent programmers. Usually hackers prefer programming languages like C, C++ or Java and for unknown reason, they avoid pragramming languages like Visual Basic and Delphi. They create their own hacking softwares with these programming languages.
• Secondly, hackers avoid Windows operating system and usually they use Linux or any UNIX based operating system. Hackers reveal that LINUX or UNIX is more powerful operating system than Windows 95/98/2000.
• Thirdly, Hackers know HTML(Hyper Text Mark Up language). One of the reason for learning HTML is that it is the language of the internet. Hackers have a very clear idea about internet and knowing HTML helps them to understand the security system of a website.

But only these three skills does not enable hackers to hack. Being a hackers takes a lots of efforts. Actually, hackers are very intelligent computer programmers but they have decided to use their creativity in an illegal way.

Some Real Hackers

Usually hackers are self-concentrated and unsocial creatures. But now hackers are so desperate that they have their own websites.In an interview, an anonymous hacker said that being a hacker, he feels that he is powerful. He also demanded that he can control the other computer with a few key strokes only. Readers will be astonished to hear that there are some dangerous hackers who are only twelve-years old.Computer and internet has given these kids a great power and they have mis-utilized it. Curador, who was arrested for hacking said that he has become a hacker just for pleasure.That is, hacking gives him more pleasure than music or movies or games. One very nice place for hackers is Russia and that is because cyber law is not very strong there.

Hackers in Bangladesh

If you think that hackers only live in Europe, America or Russia you are quite mistaken. In bangldesh there are a number of hackers. Hacking in the Dhaka Stock Exchange(DSE) has proved this fact. Hacking events have taken place in some bangladeshi websites also. If you want to know more about bangladeshi hackers you can visit the website:

Protection against Hackers

Actually, it is not possible to have a fully secured system. But ofcourse you can increase your security by following these steps:

• Change your internet password regularly or at least once a week
• Use unusual words as password
• Try to use LINUX instead of Windows

But you can be a victim to hacking after following these steps also. We cannot totally prevent hackers. You should remember that the hackers are the most talented programmers and they can break any system.

Although hacking is regarded as an illegal activity, some hackers demand that they hack to learn. Sometimes hackers help to find bugs in a security system and they inform the security manager about it.But hackers are dangerous when they try to harm the computer systems. So be careful. Let not the hackers hack your internet password.

Probal Ahmed


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